Thursday, 19 July 2012

Rediscovering Nature

Given the pomposity of this posts title, I should start by saying that I have not rediscovered nature at all today!  I just took a couple of pictures which I liked - call that a rediscovery if you like, or just see them as pictures.  In fact this doesn't make sense and I'm losing track what I'm talking about...

The first couple of pictures are taken about 30 seconds from my Door - in Ely, we have hundreds of geese who line the pathways hissing at you if you don't give them food - I tend to growl back unless there are people nearby in which case I whimper... We also have these awesome punking ducks with mohawks who just waddle around all day being fed.  I wish I could do that!  But unfortunately it would be frowned on for me to waddle around without clothes on eating food from the ground...  Life is unfair.

The last three are just pics of a spider who is still lurking over my head - I keep checking he's still there, but as soon as I look away, I feel tickles on my head and back.  Stupid spider...

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